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Plan for your pet's future care and needs with estate planning strategies

by Legacy Plan
April 5, 2024

Pets hold a special place in our hearts, often considered as more than just animals – they are beloved family members. Their companionship and unconditional love enrich our lives profoundly. However, what happens to these cherished companions when we are no longer able to care for them? It’s a question that pet owners often overlook.

Do you understand the need for pet planning in estate plans?

The bond between humans and their pets is undeniably strong. In the United States, pets are considered as cherished members of the family in 66% of households. This high rate of pet ownership underscores the significant role animals play in the lives of many individuals and families. They provide companionship, emotional support and a sense of purpose. Despite this deep connection, there is a noticeable gap in estate planning when it comes to pets. This oversight can lead to dire consequences for these animals.

Unfortunately, many pet owners operate under the assumption that their family members or friends will automatically step in to care for their pets in the event of their incapacity or death. However, this assumption can be risky and misguided for several reasons:

  • Unwillingness or inability of family/friends. Not all family members or friends may be willing or able to take on the responsibility of caring for a pet, even if they have the best intentions. They may have constraints related to their living situation, allergies, financial limitations or other pets that may not be compatible.

  • Uncertainty and stress for the pet. Pets thrive on stability and routine. The sudden change in their living situation, especially without their owner, can be traumatic. If there is no predetermined plan, pets could end up being shuffled between relatives or friends, causing further stress and anxiety.

  • Risk of shelter or euthanasia. In the worst-case scenario, a pet without a designated caretaker could end up in a shelter. Overcrowded shelters may not be able to provide long-term care, and sadly, this can lead to the euthanasia of healthy animals. The risk is even higher for older pets or those with special needs, who are often less likely to be adopted.

Therefore, it’s vital for pet owners to recognize the importance of including their pets in their estate plans. Estate planning for pets involves more than just deciding who will take them in; it's about ensuring a continued quality of life, stability and care that aligns with the pet owner's wishes. It's an act of love and responsibility, reflecting the deep bond and commitment pet owners have to their animal companions.

woman and dog lying on floor together

By including pets in estate planning, pet owners can:

  • Ensure that their pets are cared for by someone who is willing and able to provide proper care.

  • Provide financial support for their pets’ future needs, including food, veterinary care and other expenses.

  • Give clear instructions regarding the pet’s routine, diet, medical needs and preferences, helping the pet to maintain a sense of normalcy.

  • Avoid potential conflicts or burdens on family members and friends by clearly outlining the plan for the pet’s future care.

In essence, planning for a pet’s future in the event of the owner’s incapacity or death is a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership. It ensures that the pet continues to live a comfortable and loved life, just as they did with their owner, and provides peace of mind to the pet owner, knowing their beloved companion will be well cared for even when they can no longer do it themselves.

What is the legal status of pets?

Legally, pets are considered property, which limits the applicability of traditional estate planning tools. This legal status means that you cannot directly bequeath money to a pet in a last will and testament. However, several states have enacted pet trust laws that allow owners to set aside funds specifically for the care of their pets. Understanding these legal nuances is crucial in creating an effective plan for your pet's future.

What are the options for including pets in my estate plan?

Several methods exist for including pets in your estate planning. They include:

  • Creating a pet trust. A pet trust is a legal arrangement providing for the care and maintenance of one or more pets in case of the owner’s disability or death. You can set aside funds in the trust, specify a caregiver, and outline how the funds should be used for the pet’s care.

  • Designating a caregiver in your will. You can specify a chosen caregiver for your pet in your will. It’s important to discuss this arrangement with the chosen individual to ensure they are willing and able to take on the responsibility.

  • Financial arrangements for pet care. Aside from trusts, you can also explore other financial arrangements, like setting up a savings account dedicated to pet care or purchasing a life insurance policy with the designated caregiver as the beneficiary for the purpose of pet care.

How can I choose the right caregiver for my pet?

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Selecting a caregiver for your pet involves several considerations. The person should be trustworthy, capable of providing care and ideally have a bond with your pet. Discussing your plans with potential caregivers is vital to ensure they are willing and prepared to assume this role. Additionally, appointing a backup caregiver is crucial in case the primary caregiver is unable to fulfill their duties.

How do pet trusts work?

Pet trusts have emerged as a popular and effective way to ensure the care and well-being of pets after their owner's incapacity or death. These legal arrangements provide a more structured and reliable method for pet care than informal agreements with friends or family. Understanding the intricacies of pet trusts is crucial for any pet owner considering this option, especially as laws and regulations surrounding pet trusts can vary significantly from state to state. Here are the key features of pet trusts:

  • Specific instructions for pet care. One of the most significant advantages of a pet trust is the ability to include detailed instructions for the care of the pet. This can cover all aspects of the pet’s life, including their diet, exercise routine, medical care, grooming needs and even their favorite toys or treats. These instructions ensure that the pet’s lifestyle is maintained as closely as possible to what they enjoyed when their owner was alive.

  • Financial provisions. A pet trust allows an owner to set aside a specific amount of money exclusively for the care of their pet. This fund can be used to cover all expenses related to the pet's well-being, such as veterinary bills, food, grooming, boarding and other related costs.

  • Appointment of a trustee and caregiver. The trust enables the appointment of a trustee, who is responsible for managing the funds, and a caregiver, who is responsible for the day-to-day care of the pet. In some cases, the trustee and caregiver can be the same person, but appointing separate individuals can provide an additional layer of oversight.

  • Enforcement of the trust. A critical feature of a pet trust is that it can be legally enforced. This means that if the caregiver fails to provide the adequate funding for your pet's care, some states may have laws against "excessive" funding in pet trusts. Courts can reduce the amount if they deem it to be more than what is reasonably required for the care of the pet.

  • Designated enforcer. Some state laws allow for the appointment of a designated enforcer. This person’s role is to ensure that the terms of the trust are being followed, adding an extra layer of protection for the pet.

  • Legal precedents and interpretations. The way courts interpret and enforce pet trusts can vary. Some states may have more established precedents, offering clearer guidelines on how pet trusts are handled.

What will it cost to care for my pet?

dog treats laying on top of money and a vet bill

When planning for the future care of a pet through a trust or other financial arrangement, one of the most important aspects to consider is the cost of lifetime care. This involves a careful and thorough estimation of all potential expenses that will be incurred throughout the pet’s remaining lifespan. Understanding and accurately projecting these costs will help ensure that enough funds are allocated to provide for the pet’s needs without underestimating or excessively overfunding the trust.

Here are some key factors in estimating costs:

  • Pet’s age and expected lifespan. The age of the pet at the time of setting up the trust or financial arrangement is a primary factor. Different species and breeds have varying average lifespans. For example, a parrot may live for several decades, while the lifespan of a dog or cat might be significantly shorter. Estimating the remaining years of the pet’s life helps in calculating the total duration for which the funds will be needed.

  • Health considerations. The current health status and medical history of the pet play a significant role in financial planning. Pets with chronic conditions or recurring health issues may require more frequent veterinary visits, medication or specialized care, all of which can add to the overall cost.

  • Regular expenses. The routine expenses for pet care include food, grooming, routine veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, flea and tick prevention and other day-to-day necessities. The cost of these items can vary widely based on the type of pet, its size, diet requirements and grooming needs.

  • Emergency medical expenses. It’s crucial to factor in the potential for emergency medical expenses. Unexpected illnesses or accidents can lead to significant veterinary bills, including surgeries, emergency care or long-term treatments. Setting aside a contingency fund within the trust for such unforeseen expenses is advisable.

  • End-of-life care. Considering the costs of end-of-life care, such as palliative treatment and humane euthanasia, is also important. While it’s a difficult aspect to think about, planning for these expenses ensures that the pet can receive compassionate care during its final days.

  • Inflation. The cost of pet care, like any other expense, is subject to inflation. It’s important to factor in the increasing cost of veterinary care, food and other supplies over time.

  • Additional services. Depending on the pet owner’s wishes and the pet’s accustomed standard of living, additional costs may include professional pet-sitting services, boarding, training and other specialized services that the pet may require in the owner’s absence.

  • Administrative costs. If the care of the pet is being managed through a trust, there may be administrative costs involved, such as trustee fees, legal fees for establishing and maintaining the trust and other associated expenses.

Legal challenges and other considerations

There can be legal challenges in executing pet care plans, particularly if the plans are not clearly documented or if family members contest the arrangements. Working with an estate planning attorney who has experience with pet trusts and pet care planning can help ensure your wishes are legally enforceable.

Discussing pet care plans with family and loved ones is an important step. Be clear about your wishes and the arrangements you have made. Address any concerns or potential disputes upfront to prevent misunderstandings or conflicts after your incapacity or death.

Life circumstances change, and so should your pet care plan. Regularly review and update your arrangements to reflect changes in your pet's health, your financial situation or your choice of caregiver.

How do I create an estate plan?

There are numerous options and scenarios to consider when developing an estate plan that protects your legacy and achieves your objectives, and important decisions should be made with the advice of qualified lawyers and financial experts. Membership with Legacy Assurance Plan provides members with valuable resources and guidance to develop comprehensive estate plans that take life's contingencies into consideration and leave a positive impact for generations to come. Legacy Assurance Plan members also receive peace of mind that a team of trusted, experienced professionals will assist them in developing legal, financial and tax strategies that will meet their needs today and for years to come through periodic reviews.

This article is published by Legacy Assurance Plan and is intended for general informational purposes only. Some information may not apply to your situation. It does not, nor is it intended, to constitute legal advice. You should consult with an attorney regarding any specific questions about probate, living probate or other estate planning matters. Legacy Assurance Plan is an estate planning services company and is not a lawyer or law firm and is not engaged in the practice of law. For more information about this and other estate planning matters visit our website at

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