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A no-contest clause may protect your estate plan

by Legacy plan
updated December 19, 2023

A no-contest clause is a legal provision that can be included in a will or trust to discourage beneficiaries from contesting the document. It is designed to protect the intentions of the testator and ensure smooth estate distribution upon their passing. This clause essentially penalizes any beneficiary who challenges the validity of the will or trust by disinheriting them or limiting their share of the inheritance.

The primary purpose of a no-contest clause, formally known as a terrorem clause, is to deter litigation and maintain family harmony after the testator's death. It acts as a safeguard against potential disputes among beneficiaries, especially when there are complex family dynamics or estranged relationships involved.

By including this clause in their last will and testament or revocable living trust, individuals can minimize the risk of costly legal battles that could potentially drain their estate. In essence, a no-contest clause serves as a deterrent by imposing consequences on beneficiaries who initiate litigation without justifiable grounds.

These consequences typically come in the form of disinheritance, meaning that if a beneficiary challenges the will or trust and loses, they may lose their entitlement to any portion of the estate. However, it is essential to note that each jurisdiction has its own laws regarding no-contest clauses, and their enforceability may vary.

Including a well-drafted no-contest clause in your estate planning documents can provide you with peace of mind knowing that your wishes are less susceptible to being challenged by disgruntled beneficiaries. However, it is crucial to consult with an experienced attorney specializing in estate planning before implementing such clauses to ensure they comply with local laws and effectively serve your best interests.

Why include a no-contest clause in a will or trust?

It is not uncommon for families to experience tensions and conflicts during the probate process, especially when significant assets are involved. By inserting this clause into their will or trust, individuals can express their desire for an amicable resolution and encourage open communication among heirs rather than resorting to legal battles that can strain relationships indefinitely.

Moreover, a no-contest clause provides an added layer of protection for the intended beneficiaries. In some cases, estranged family members may attempt to challenge the will or trust out of resentment or greed, hoping to secure a larger share of the inheritance.

However, with such a clause in place, these individuals face severe consequences if they initiate litigation without valid grounds. This serves as a strong deterrent against baseless claims and underscores the testator's intention for fair distribution among beneficiaries.

What happens if a no-contest clause is triggered?

When a no-contest clause is triggered in a will or trust, it sets forth a series of consequences that can have significant implications for the beneficiaries involved. One possible consequence of triggering a no-contest clause is the complete disinheritance of the challenging beneficiary. This means that if they are unsuccessful in their litigation and the court upholds the validity of the will or trust, they forfeit their right to receive any portion of the estate.

In addition to being disinherited, triggering a no-contest clause may also result in other beneficiaries receiving a larger share of the estate.

For instance, if there are multiple heirs named in a last will and testament or revocable living trust, and one heir unsuccessfully contests it, their portion could be redistributed among those who did not challenge it. This redistribution aims to reward those who respect and honor the wishes outlined in the estate plan while penalizing those who attempt to disrupt its intended distribution.

It's important to note that triggering a no-contest clause isn't always straightforward. Courts may scrutinize such clauses carefully to ensure they do not unreasonably restrict beneficiaries from exercising their rights or challenge an unlawful act within an estate plan.

However, if it is determined that there was sufficient cause for invoking the clause and all legal requirements have been met by those enforcing it, then challenging beneficiaries may find themselves facing dire consequences under probate law. When a no-contest clause is triggered within an estate plan through litigation or challenge by a disgruntled beneficiary, severe consequences await them.

What are the various types of no-contest clauses?

No-contest clauses come in various forms, each designed to address specific concerns in estate planning. Each type of no-contest clause has its own implications and should be chosen based on the specific goals and dynamics of the estate plan. It's important to note that the enforceability of these clauses can vary by jurisdiction, and legal advice should be sought to ensure they are drafted correctly.

Here are some common types:

  • Full forfeiture clause. This is the most stringent type. It stipulates that if a beneficiary challenges the will or trust and loses, they forfeit their entire inheritance. This type is meant to strongly discourage any litigation.

  • Partial forfeiture clause. This is a less severe form, where challenging a will or trust only risks a portion of the inheritance. This type balances the deterrent effect with a lesser penalty, acknowledging that some challenges might be made in good faith.

  • Conditional no-contest clause. These clauses are activated only under certain conditions, such as if the beneficiary challenges specific provisions or if the challenge is made without probable cause. They provide more flexibility and are less likely to punish legitimate disputes.

  • No-contest clause with penalty. Instead of losing their entire inheritance, the beneficiary faces a specific penalty if they challenge the estate plan and fail. This penalty might be a reduction in the inheritance amount or a requirement to pay the estate's legal fees.

  • No-contest clause with carve-outs. These clauses allow certain types of challenges without penalty, such as disputes over the interpretation of the will’s language or challenges based on allegations of fraud or undue influence. They aim to prevent frivolous lawsuits while allowing legitimate claims.

  • No-contest clause with gift alternative. In this variation, a beneficiary who challenges the will and loses may still receive a predetermined, smaller gift. It's a way to provide a safety net for the challenger, ensuring they don't leave empty-handed.

  • Mediation or arbitration clauses. These clauses require disputes to be resolved through alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or arbitration, rather than court litigation. They aim to resolve conflicts more amicably and privately.

Can a beneficiary challenge a no-contest clause?

One may wonder if a beneficiary has the ability to challenge the validity of a no-contest clause in an estate plan. While no-contest clauses are designed to deter beneficiaries from contesting the will or trust, there are certain circumstances in which a beneficiary may still attempt to challenge its enforceability.

It is important to understand the legal grounds on which such challenges can be made and the potential consequences that may arise. In general, challenging a no-contest clause requires demonstrating that there are valid reasons for contesting the will or trust beyond mere dissatisfaction with one's inheritance.

Common grounds for challenging this clause include proving fraud, undue influence, lack of capacity or improper execution of the estate planning document. However, it is crucial to note that each jurisdiction may have its own specific requirements and standards when it comes to challenging no-contest clauses.

Before embarking on legal action against a no-contest clause, beneficiaries should carefully evaluate their case and consult with experienced estate planning attorneys who specialize in probate litigation. The complexity of such cases necessitates a thorough understanding of both state laws and court precedents in order to build a strong argument.

It is essential for beneficiaries contemplating this course of action to weigh the potential risks involved as well since losing such lawsuits can result in severe consequences. Moreover, it is worth noting that even if a beneficiary successfully challenges the enforceability of a no-contest clause, they might not automatically be entitled to their desired outcome.

In some cases, if an inheritance distribution provision within the will or revocable living trust itself is deemed invalid through litigation, then any challenge made against the no-contest clause becomes moot as its enforcement would not impact the ultimate distribution among heirs. This underscores how various aspects of estate planning intricately intertwine and emphasizes why seeking professional guidance during such proceedings is crucial.

While beneficiaries have avenues available for challenging the enforceability of a no-contest clause, it is not a straightforward process. Understanding the specific legal grounds and potential consequences is essential before embarking on any litigation.

What are some real-life examples of no-contest clauses used in estate planning?

Several high-profile cases have brought attention to the use of no-contest clauses in estate planning. These cases often involve substantial wealth and complex family dynamics, making them noteworthy in the public eye.

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Here are a few examples:

  • The estate of Leona Helmsley. Helmsley, a New York-based real estate mogul, famously left a substantial part of her estate to her dog, Trouble, while two of her grandchildren received nothing and two others received bequests contingent on visiting their father's grave annually. The grandchildren who were left out challenged the will, but the no-contest clause in Helmsley's will posed a significant risk to their case. This case highlighted the potential power of no-contest clauses in deterring challenges to unconventional estate plans.

  • The Hearst Family Trust. The Hearst family, known for their media empire, had a trust that included a no-contest clause. When Patricia Hearst Shaw, a granddaughter of William Randolph Hearst, contested her father's will, which was a sub-part of the family trust, she risked being disinherited from the much larger family trust due to the no-contest clause. This case underscored the complexity of no-contest clauses within larger family trusts.

  • The estate of Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson’s will included a no-contest clause. When certain family members contested the will, citing concerns about its validity and the influence of Jackson’s advisers, the no-contest clause was a significant factor. The case brought attention to the use of no-contest clauses in high-value estates and the challenges in proving undue influence or lack of capacity.

  • The B.B. King estate. The estate of legendary blues musician B.B. King was contested by several of his children, who alleged mismanagement and even questioned the validity of his will. King's will included a no-contest clause, which added complexity to the legal proceedings and highlighted issues around estate management and family disputes in the presence of a no-contest clause.

  • The estate of Robin Williams. Robin Williams used a no-contest clause effectively to prevent disputes. While his estate plan did lead to some conflicts between his wife and children from previous marriages, the no-contest clause may have played a role in limiting the extent of these disputes, demonstrating a more successful application of such clauses.

These cases illustrate how no-contest clauses can influence estate disputes, especially in high-profile and high-net-worth situations. They demonstrate both the effectiveness and the potential limitations of these clauses in deterring challenges to a will or trust.


Incorporating a well-drafted no-contest clause into your estate plan can provide an additional layer of protection and peace of mind for both you and your beneficiaries. By discouraging any potential challenges or disputes, this clause acts as a deterrent, minimizing the likelihood of costly litigation and preserving the integrity of your intended distribution. When considering whether to include a no-contest clause in your will or trust, it is essential to consult with an experienced estate planning attorney who can guide you through the process and ensure that the clause aligns with your specific goals and objectives.

It is worth noting that while no-contest clauses have gained popularity in recent years, they are not universally accepted nor enforceable in all jurisdictions. Therefore, it becomes imperative to understand the laws governing your particular jurisdiction before incorporating such a provision into your estate planning documents. The prevalence of these clauses has grown due to heightened awareness surrounding potential posthumous conflicts among beneficiaries.

Consulting with an attorney specializing in estate law will enable you to navigate these complexities effectively.

How do I create an estate plan?

There are numerous options and scenarios to consider when developing an estate plan that protects your legacy and achieves your objectives, and important decisions should be made with the advice of qualified lawyers and financial experts. Membership with Legacy Assurance Plan provides members with valuable resources and guidance to develop comprehensive estate plans that take life's contingencies into consideration and leave a positive impact for generations to come. Legacy Assurance Plan members also receive peace of mind that a team of trusted, experienced professionals will assist them in developing legal, financial and tax strategies that will meet their needs today and for years to come through periodic reviews.

This article is published by Legacy Assurance Plan and is intended for general informational purposes only. Some information may not apply to your situation. It does not, nor is it intended, to constitute legal advice. You should consult with an attorney regarding any specific questions about probate, living probate or other estate planning matters. Legacy Assurance Plan is an estate planning services company and is not a lawyer or law firm and is not engaged in the practice of law. For more information about this and other estate planning matters visit our website at

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